getrpimodel: Get Raspberry Pi model Name(eg: A, B, B+...)
mh-z19: Read CO2 concentration from mh-z19 sensor on the Raspberry Pi & handle it. Detect Raspberry Pi model automatically and read the value from an appropriate serial device.
pondslider: Multipurpose sensor handler, read sensor & do somethings (send, save, trigger, ...) with the value.
error-counter: Error Counter: Count error (e.g. network error) beyond process boundary, then issue fix command when exceeded threshold.
sensorhandler: Multipurpose sensorhandler, read the value from source & do somethings (send, save, trigger, ...) with it, as configed. This project has evolved into pondslider mentioned above.
GetRPimodel_cpp: C++ Header only library to get Raspberry Pi model Name(eg: A, B, B+...) and secondary informations provided a table